Thursday, January 5, 2012

Poem for a Broken Heart

I used to write poetry. While I was a freshman in high school I was in Future Teachers of America and I won a statewide contest for a poem I wrote. I have been writing again in recreation and I wrote a poem for a friend of mine who was dealing with a broken heart. So I decided to share it here.

A million facades of a thousand faces
Fill the cracks and empty spaces
And drown the chaos that took the place
Of a heart so broken there remains no trace

I count the smiles, I count the frowns
Outside the leaves, in yellows and browns
Cloak the remnants of this town
Like the heart of a king who's lost his crown

And eyes that judge and try to feign
A forbidden love that waxed and waned
And bound his heart in a thousand chains
So that the emptiness is all that remains

I hope that helped my friend. It helped me to write it.

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